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Theres this moment in James Camerons 1997 blockbuster, Titanic, where Kate Winslets character, Rose, notices something about the lifeboats that ends up being kind of important...

在詹姆斯·卡梅隆 1997 年的大片《泰坦尼克号》中有这样一个场景,凯特·温斯莱特饰演的角色注意到救生艇的一些问题,在最后变得极为重要......

"It seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard."


To which Victor Garber, who played Titanics architect Thomas Andrews, responds in a flawless Irish accent:


"I have built a good ship, strong and true.


Shes all the lifeboat you need."


Since the viewer already knows how this story ends...


This line comes off as either tragic arrogance or some sort of bad joke.


But its central to understanding how the Titanic was designed... and how it all went wrong.


The Titanic actually had more lifeboats than was required by British law.


The Merchant Shipping Act of 1894 required that big ships — those weighing over 10,000 tons have at least 16 lifeboats that could hold 990 people.

1894 年的《商船法》要求大型船舶——重量超过 10000 吨的船舶至少配备 16 艘可容纳 990 人的救生艇。

Ships only got bigger and bigger from there, but the minimum didnt change.


When the Titanic first launched in 1911, the ship weighed over 45,000 tons, but still only needed 16 lifeboats by law.

泰坦尼克号于 1911 年首次下水时,船重超过 45000 吨,但仍只需要 16 艘法律规定的救生艇。

Titanic had 20, which, if filled to maximum capacity could carry a total of 1,178 people.

泰坦尼克号有 20 艘,如果满载,总共可以搭载 1178 人。

Nowhere near enough to accommodate the approximate 2,240 passengers and crew on board when the ship sank.

当船沉没时,这些救生艇根本无法容纳船上大约 2240 名的乘客和船员。

But at least from a design perspective, the builders of the Titanic had every reason to believe that they had constructed the safest passenger ship the world had ever seen.


"Shes all the lifeboats you need."


This line might be made up for the movie but its how people talked about the Titanic even after it went down.


Lets unpack what that means.


The Titanic was designed to stay afloat even after taking on serious damage.


The bottom of the ship was divided into 16 compartments by these partitions called bulkheads.

船底被这些称为舱壁的隔板分成 16 个舱室。

If the ships hull was breached, these compartments could be sealed off from each other with the flick of a switch that closed watertight doors connecting them.


Once sealed off, the water in the affected compartments would rise to the height of the sea called the waterline but prevent the rest of the ship from flooding.


The idea was that the giant ocean liner even after taking on water would still be the safest place to wait as lifeboats methodically ferried passengers to a rescue ship.


This bulkhead plus lifeboat strategy had worked successfully just a couple of years earlier when a ship accidentally rammed straight into the side of the RMS Republic.


Newspaper diagrams from 1909 showed how the Republic was ripped wide open, and where it was taking on water.

1909 年的报纸图表显示了共和国号的船体是怎样被撞裂的的,以及哪里进水。

But the crew remained calm and didnt evacuate the ship right away.


Their confidence was due in large part to a brand new piece of technology they had on board: the Marconi Wireless Telegraph system.


When the Republic was hit, its telegraph operator tapped out the Morse code signal C-Q-D, the distress call that later became SOS to all nearby ships.

当共和国号被击中时,它的电报员发出了摩斯电码信号 C-Q-D,这个求救信号后来变成了向附近所有船只发出的求救信号。

A few hours later, a rescue ship arrived and the crew carefully transferred everyone off the Republic in small groups using lifeboats.


The Republic eventually sank but except for six people killed in the initial collision, every single person on board was saved.


The Republic was the first shipwreck to make use of a wireless distress signal and its operator was hailed as a hero.


This incident seemed to prove that on the busy North Atlantic route with other ships always nearby,


a combination of careful ship design and this miraculous piece of new technology had made disasters at sea a thing of the past.


This 1909 news article, The Triumph of Wireless, pretty much sums up the optimism of the time:

这篇 1909 年的新闻文章《无线电的胜利》,几乎总结了当时大众抱持的乐观情绪:

"The passenger on a well-equipped transatlantic liner is safer than anywhere else in the world."


Just three years later...


Heres what went wrong.


When the Titanic was built, regulations recommended that all passenger ships should be able to remain afloat with any two adjacent compartments flooded.


I talked to Sam Halpern, an engineer and long time Titanic researcher who created this diagram based on data from a 1996 forensic analysis of the Titanics design.

我访谈了 Sam Halpern,他是一位工程师,也是长期研究泰坦尼克号的人员,他根据 1996 年对泰坦尼克号设计的取证分析数据创建了这张图表。

He showed me how the ship was built to stay afloat even with three — and in these scenarios up to four adjacent compartments flooded.


The key was to keep the ship level so the waterline never reached the top of the bulkheads and flooded over into the other compartments.


These scenarios show the ship was protected from almost any crash imaginable at the time including from rocks, colliding with another ship and even hitting an iceberg.


But the Titanic didnt hit the iceberg head on.


Instead, it scraped along the side of it.


And sonar analysis shows the ship was most likely breached here, here, here, here.


And most crucially, here: Boiler Room six.


The movie actually does a really good job of explaining this so Im going to let Victor Garber take it from here.


"Thats five compartments.


She can stay afloat with the first 4 compartments breach, but not 5."


"Titanic will flounder.


It is a mathematical certainty."


Flooding the first 5 compartments overwhelmed the design.


It was just too many for the ship to stay upright.


And as the bow dipped farther into the ocean, the water flowed over the bulkheads, flooding the watertight compartments one at a time.


The Titanic sent out its first wireless distress call at 12:15 AM, 35 minutes after hitting the iceberg.

泰坦尼克号在撞上冰山 35 分钟后,于凌晨 12 点 15 分发出了第一个无线电求救信号。

From there, the messages became increasingly desperate.


"We have struck an iceberg."


"We are sinking fast." and "Cannot last much longer. Women and children in boats."

“我们正在快速下沉。”和 “撑不了多久了。妇女跟孩童在救生船上了。“

But the nearest ship to the Titanic that night, SS Californian never got these messages.


That ships sole wireless operator had turned off the radio for the night and gone to bed.


The Titanics wireless operators were communicating with other ships like the Olympic, and the Baltic that started to head to its coordinates but were a long way off.


The last message from the Titanic received by RMS Carpathia at 1:45 AM was "Engine room full up to boilers."

卡帕西亚号在凌晨 1 点 45 分从泰坦尼克号收到的最后一条消息是“机舱已淹满了”。

Without a rescue ship, all the Titanic had left was its lifeboats.


By the time the Carpathia got there around 4 AM, the ship had disappeared into the ocean, taking down more than 1,500 passengers and crew with it.

当卡帕西亚号在凌晨 4 点左右到达那里时,这艘船已经消失在大海中,带走了 1500 多名乘客和船员的生命。

The only survivors were 706 people who made it into the Titanics lifeboats.

唯一幸存只有 706 人,他们登上了泰坦尼克号的救生艇。

The disaster permanently altered the publics view on the necessity of lifeboats.


You can see how quickly things changed when you compare this photo of RMS Olympic, Titanics near identical twin in 1911 to this one of the Olympic in 1912 immediately following the Titanic disaster,

当你比较这张 1911 年泰坦尼克号几乎一模一样的双胞胎船只奥林匹克好的照片与 1912 年泰坦尼克号灾难发生后立即拍摄的这张奥林匹克号照片时,你可以马上看到发生了变化,

showing double the number of lifeboats along the top deck.


The biggest impact of the Titanic disaster had on safety regulations and ship design was the enacting of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea or SOLAS,

泰坦尼克号灾难对安全法规和船舶设计的最大影响是因它制定了国际海上人命安全公约或简称 SOLAS,

a 1914 international treaty that required wireless telegraph communication to be active 24/7 and upped the lifeboat minimum to account for everyone on board.

这是一项 1914 年的国际条约,要求无线电报通信24小时处于活跃状态,并提高了救生艇的最低数量以考量到船上的每个人。

Today, SOLAS requires cruise ships to be able to accommodate 125% of the ships capacity in small boats in the event of emergency.

现在,SOLAS 要求游轮在紧急情况下能够容纳 125% 的小船载客量。

Ultimately, the Titanic disaster was less about a fatal flaw in design and more about tragic timing in the early days of wireless communication,


and a collision scenario too extreme to have been considered possible until it happened.


Oh, and one more thing about that foreshadowing lifeboat scene in Titanic.


"Waste of deck space as it is, on an unsinkable ship!"


The Titanic was never advertised as unsinkable.


Although this 1911 edition of the trade magazine, The Shipbuilder did describe both the Titanic and the Olympic as "practically unsinkable"

尽管这本 1911 年版的贸易杂志《造船专家》确实将泰坦尼克号和奥林匹克号描述为“几乎不会沉没”,

and there are reports from 1912 that some of the passengers who went down with the ship refused to believe it was really sinking.

还有 1912 年有报导称,一些随船沉没的乘客拒绝相信它真的沉没。

But the term only became widely associated with the Titanic in the media after the disaster.



上一篇 2023年6月24日 下午3:33
下一篇 2023年8月10日 上午10:44


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