






A Record for the Five Men’s Tomb

Zhang Pu

These five men died for their just action at the time of Mr Zhou Shunchang’s (1) arrest. Now some worthy gentlemen of our prefecture have obtained permission from the authorities to bury them in the place where once stood the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Temple of the Eunuch Wei, now demolished, and to erect a stone at the entrance to the tomb to commemorate them. This is admirable. Only eleven months have passed since the death of these five men and their burial in this tomb. During these successful careerists, to say nothing of nameless folk in the countryside, have been struck down and killed by disease and straightaway forgotten. Why then do these five men outshine all others?

I still remember Mr Zhou’s arrest, on the fifteenth of the third month last year (2). The leading scholars of our society (3), eager to champion justice, raised money to see him off. The sound of lamentations shook heaven and earth. When mounted guards advanced with drawn swords to challenge the mourners, the crowd goaded beyond endurance beat them down. The imperial censor and inspector-general of Suzhou at that time was a million of Wei Zhongxian and responsible for Mr Zhou’s arrest. When he tried to intimidate the citizens of Shuzhou in their distress, they raised such an uproar that he only escaped by hiding in a privy. He reported this riot in Suzhou to the court and had five men condemned to death, namely, Yan Peiwei, Yang Nianru, Ma Jie, Shen Yang and Zhou Wenyuan, who have now been buried together. These five men faced their execution gallantly, cursing the censor by name and chatting and laughing together before they died. When their heads were displayed on the citadel, none of them had changed countenance. Some worthy gentlemen bought the five men’s heads for fifty taels of silver and carried them off in a casket to restore them to the corpses. So now the five bodies in the tomb are whole.

During the havoc caused by the chief eunuch, pitifully few officials within the whole realm were able to retain their integrity. Yet these five men from common families, with no education in the classics, stood up for justice and met death without flinching. How can we account for this? When the eunuch went on to forge imperial decrees and arrest "confederates" all over the empire, he dared not victimize our prefecture further because we had fought back. It was, indeed, fear of this just indignation which made him hesitate to carry out his treasonous plot; and then, when our sage sovereign ascended the throne, he hanged himself by the roadside. Part of the credit for this undoubtedly belongs to these five men.

Judging by this, once great lords in high positions are in trouble they will try to run away or, unable to find a refuge anywhere, will become monks, live as recluses or feign madness. How can their despicable behavior compare with the death of these five men? Thus Mr Zhou Shunchang proved his loyalty and justice to the court so that he won fame after death and was honoured with posthumous titles. These five men, too, received due burial and have their names inscribed on the dyke where passersby from every side will one and all play their respects and lament for them. Only once in a hundred generations does such a thing happen. Had these five men not been beheaded but grown old and lived out the full span of their lives at home, they would have been treated as slaves; nor would brave and eminent men come here, heart-stricken, to mourn at these martyrs’ graves. The members of our society thought it a pity that there was only a stone tablet at the tomb, and so we have made this record. Also to show that in the momentous issues of life and death, common citizens may do the country a great service.

With acknowledgements to these worthy gentlemen: Mr Wu Yinzhi, Master of the Imperial Equipage; Mr Wen Wenqi, Imperial Historian; and Mr Yao Mengchang.

(1)Zhou Shunchang of Suzhou who offended the chief eunuch Wei Zhongxian and died in prison.

(2)The seventh year of the reign of Tianqi, 1627.

(3)The Donglin Society.(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)


上一篇 2023年6月24日 下午3:33
下一篇 2023年8月10日 上午10:44


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